Telah diterbitkan di Harian Bisnis Indonesia Minggu, 12 September 2004.
Judul: On Becoming A Customer-Centric Company.
Transformasi TELKOM Menjadi Perusahaan Berbasis Pelanggan.
Pengarang: Hermawan Kartajaya, Yuswohady, dan Dewi Madyani.
Penerbit: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta,
Cetakan: I- Maret 2004, II- April 2004.
Tebal: xii + 374 halaman
Harga: Rp 75.000,0
Oleh : Eddy Satriya
Senior Infrastructure Economist, Bekerja di Bappenas.
“……Biar suatu saat operator asing masuk kita sudah terbiasa menggebuki dan digebuki, tinggal lihat saja siapa pemenangnya, nanti pasar yang menentukannya!”
Demikian pendapat salah seorang pejabat PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) dalam menyongsong perubahan atmosfir bisnis telekomunikasi yang terekam dengan jelas dalam buku yang ditulis oleh Hermawan Kertajaya, Yuswohady, dan Dewi Madyani.
Buku ini menguraikan langkah-langkah yang telah diambil oleh management Telkom hingga awal tahun 2004 dalam menyiapkan perusahaan telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia ini menjadi sebuah perusahaan yang berorientasi kepada pelanggan. Hermawan dkk menjelaskan perubahan visi, misi, dan strategi Telkom sejalan dengan bergesernya tuntutan pelayanan telekomunikasi dari hanya sekedar perusahaan penyelenggara Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) menjadi suatu perusahaan yang mampu memberikan berbagai layanan telekomunikasi modern yang meliputi Phones, Mobile, View, Internet dan Service yang kemudian lebih disederhanakan menjadi Phone, Mobile dan Multimedia disingkat dengan PMM. Perubahan demi perubahan atau restrukturisasi portofolio bisnis mau tidak mau harus dilakukan Telkom mengingat telah terjadi perubahan fundamental dalam bisnis telekomunikasi dan teknologi informasi (TI) yang meliputi konvergensi teknologi, konvergensi perusahaan, dan konvergensi layanan.
Penulis menyatakan bahwa Telkom sudah on the right track dalam menapaki langkah untuk menjadi suatu Full Network Services Provider (FNSP) yang didukung lima pilar bisnis yaitu: telepon tetap; fixed wireless; telepon selular (mobile); multimedia; dan interkoneksi. Pendapat mereka didasarkan kepada situasi bahwa sudah dijalankannya budaya baru perusahaan yang merupakan suatu perjalanan panjang sejak Telkom masih dinakhodai Cacuk Sudariyanto (alm) hingga sekarang dibawah pimpinan Kristiono. Budaya perusahaan tersebut terangkum dalam konsep The Telkom Way 135 (TTW 135) yang resmi diluncurkan tanggal 26 Maret 2003.
TTW 135 ini memuat satu asumsi dasar yaitu Committed 2 U, tiga nilai inti yaitu: Customer Value, Exellent Service, dan Competent People, serta lima langkah perilaku, yaitu: Stretching the Goal; Simplify; Involve Everyone; Quality is my job; dan Reward the Winner.
Sebelumnya pimpinan Telkom telah melakukan langkah strategis yang berhasil merumuskan visi baru Telkom “To Become a Leading InfoCom Player in the Region”. Adapun rumusan misinya, pertama ialah, “Telkom menjamin bahwa pelanggan akan mendapatkan pelayanan terbaik, berupa kemudahan, kualitas produk, kualitas jaringan, dengan harga yang kompetitif”. Sedangkan misi kedua adalah “Telkom akan mengelola bisnis melalui praktek-praktek terbaik dengan mengoptimalisasikan SDM yang unggul, penggunaan teknologi yang kompetitif, serta membangun kemitraan yang menguntungkan secara timbal-balik dan saling mendukung secara strategis”.
Faktor Kristiono
Disamping budaya baru TTW 135, faktor pendukung lainnya adalah sosok Direktur Utama (Dirut) saat ini, Kristiono, yang sudah berhasil menjadikan dirinya sebagai role model bagi seluruh karyawan di Telkom. Kristiono dianggap sudah mampu mengobarkan semangat “peperangan” dalam menyongsong era kompetisi di bisnis telekomunikasi. Bahkan semangat “peperangan” tersebut telah dibuatkan wadahnya yaitu melalui program War Room. Bukan hanya itu, dalam safari ke berbagai daerah para penulis menyaksikan sendiri bahwa para Kepala Divisi Regional (Kadivre) telah memperlihatkan antusiasme dan komitmen tinggi jajarannya di daerah dalam menjalankan budaya perusahaan yang baru.
Dalam buku yang sarat dengan berbagai jargon managemen pengembangan sumber daya dan management pemasaran ini, diungkapkan pula keberhasilan pimpinan teras Telkom dalam mengarahkan transformasi yang diinginkan kedalam suatu rujukan yang mengikat seluruh managemen termasuk jajaran direksi dan komisaris berupa Rencana Jangka Panjang Telkom (Corporate Strategic Scenario 2003-2007). Rencana jangka Panjang tersebut juga berisikan panduan gaya kepemimpinan yang harus dijalankan yang memiliki 5 ciri-ciri yaitu: Link & Friendly; Empowered and Accountable; Managing Anytime, Anywhere; Serving to Customers, Peers and Partners; Respect to Quality; and Contribution.
Disamping mengupas sekilas perbedaan perhatian pimpinan terhadap budaya perusahaan sejak dari zaman Willy Munandir, Cacuk Sudariyanto, Setyanto P. Santosa, Mohammad Nazif dan Kristiono, buku ini juga menuliskan kembali secara ringkas proses, konsep, dan permasalahan di seputar Kerjasama Operasi (KSO) yang pelaksanaannya di lapangan ternyata tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Bagian akhir menekankan pentingnya pengukuran pelaksanaan excellent performance dengan menggunakan kriteria Malcolm Bridge yang sebenarnya telah pernah dirancang di Telkom melalui Program T-2001 ketika memasuki millenium baru dulu.
Kesimpulan yang disampaikan Hermawan dkk menarik untuk disimak. Meski cukup yakin dengan landasan dan perangkat menuju kompetisi seperti visi, misi, budaya perusahaan daan struktur organisasi yang telah disiapkan Kristiono maupun pendahulunya, ketiga penulis ini tetap menekankan pentingnya keseriusan management Telkom dalam mengeksekusi dan mengimplemntasikannya menjadi kenyataan dilapangan. Melaksanakan dan mengimplementasikan TTW 135 akan menjadi suatu pekerjaan besar yang memiliki 3 tantangan utama, yaitu perubahan politik internal perusahaan, perubahan teknis, dan perubahan budaya perusahaan itu sendiri.
Secara keseluruhan, Hermawan dkk telah berhasil mendokumentasikan perubahan dan perbaikan struktur organisasi Telkom yang memang harus disiapkan menghadapi dibukanya keran kompetisi sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Kompetisi yang bukan hanya antara Telkom dengan Indosat dan perusahaan swasta dalam negeri saja, tapi juga kompetisi terbuka dengan perusahaan asing yang telah lama mengincar potensi pasar yang besar di persada Indonesia.
Bagi pembaca yang awam dengan perkembangan telekomunikasi, sebagian besar bab-bab awal buku ini mengulas berbagai kecenderungan (trend) yang terjadi di dunia telekomunikasi dan TI baik di dalam negeri maupun di dunia internasional. Penulis memasukkan berbagai ulasan tentang konvergensi, perubahan fokus bisnis dari POTS kepada sistem telekomunikasi bergerak, Universal Service dan Universal Access, peranan badan regulator independen, dan terjadinya kompetisi penyelenggaraan telekomunikasi. Ulasan tersebut sebagian besar disarikan dari berbagai dokumen populer yang dikeluarkan secara berkala berdasarkan topik pembangunan oleh Badan Telekomunikasi Dunia atau Internasional Telecommunication Union (ITU) yang bermarkas di Geneva.
Disamping telah mampu memberikan gambaran transformasi internal Telkom menyambut perubahan bisnis telekomunikasi dalam era globalisasi, buku ini memiliki bagian-bagian yang membutuhkan penyempurnaan. Pertama, terjadi pengulangan beberapa topik bahasan pada banyak bab yang cukup mengganggu dan mubazir. Kedua, pencetakan beberapa gambar atau tabel menghasilkan tulisan yang terlalu kecil dan tidak mudah untuk mengerti sehingga menyulitkan pembaca yang ingin menggali keterangan atau penjelasan lebih rinci.
Selanjutnya, kelihatannya proses penulisan buku yang berawal dari proyek konsultasi yang ditugaskan kepada para penulis telah memasung penulis untuk mendokumentasikan pandangan dari nara sumber lain atau kelompok karyawan yang bisa saja tidak sejalan dengan arah kebijakan yang diambil pimpinan perusahaan saat ini. Keempat, langkah-langkah yang dituliskan dalam buku ini untuk mentransformasikan Telkom menjadi perusahaan berbasis pelanggan didominasi oleh pengetahuan dan praktek bisnis yang bersumber dari luar Indonesia semata. Sepantasnya pula “resep” tersebut dikombinasikan dengan praktek bisnis yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Telkom dan telah mengakar sebagai bagian nilai budaya lokal yang baik. Hal ini sangat penting mengingat Telkom merupakan salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Indonesia yang telah beroperasi sejak zaman perjuangan dulu, dan merupakan salah satu BUMN besar yang termasuk paling awal mendapat predikat “Wajar Tanpa Syarat” dari badan pemeriksa.
Membaca visi baru Telkom “To Become a Leading InfoCom Player in the Region” mengingatkan saya akan banner sejenis yang berbunyi “To Become a Cyber Leader” yang dipampang di Human Resource Development Center, Korea Telecomm (KT) di kota Daejon, Korea Selatan. Slogan tersebut juga dipampang dihampir semua pelosok kantor perusahaan telekomunikasi tersebut secara besar-besaran sejak tahun 2001. KT saat ini telah mewujudkan impiannya menjadi Cyber Leader bersama Canada. Akankah Telkom mampu mewujudkan visi dan mimpi-mimpi mereka?
Perjalanan Telkom kelihatannya masih penuh jurang terjal dan ujian. Kompetisi sesungguhnya bukan hanya masalah digebuk dan menggebuki. Hanya kerja keras dan waktu yang akan menjawabnya. Mari kita doakan agar management Telkom mampu mewujudkannya.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Providing real services for the public
Jakarta Post, 10 Sept 2004
Piet Soeprijadi, Jakarta
Graeme Macmillan, in his article Improving performance through public service reform (The Jakarta Post, Aug. 23), outlined the need for public service reform and made suggestions on how to improve public sector management to lift Indonesia's economic, social and environmental performance.
The article touched the real needs of the public.
People want to get to work and go home on time, yet they have to struggle to reach and to board public buses. People want an affordable, quality education for their children, yet they to have to pay five times their salary to enroll their children into a substandard school.
Drivers want a police force that helps the flow of traffic, yet they have policemen who wait, hidden behind traffic lights, to catch them as they run through a red light so as to collect some pocket-money. When under great duress because of the critical condition of a family member, people just want to be received with kind and efficient attention by hospital staff, and instead, they are rejected and sent home because they cannot pay the outpatient fee.
Good businessmen want to do business properly, in accordance with laws and regulations, yet they have to go through a number of offices just to get a license, paying "fees" at every office. Good taxpayers want to pay their taxes properly, yet they have to deal with tax inspectors who come with very high penalties at the ready for "private negotiations".
The list is endless. This is not public service, in which the public is served -- instead, this is service by the public, in which the public serve the so-called public servants.
History shows that fulfilling the above basic needs is not at all simple. As Macmillan said, "The Public Service in Indonesia is too big, too slow and too dysfunctional."
On the other hand, the best way to solve a simple problem is to provide a simple solution.
The regents of Jembrana, Solok, Kebumen and Sidoarjo and the mayors of Ambon and Malang are good examples of real public servants, who have not only found simple solutions and implemented them, but also showed exemplary behavior in their work.
In Sidoarjo, the regental administration created an integrated public service office for the public to procure licenses according to a predetermined schedule, placing representatives of all relevant offices together to handle administrative details. In the case higher authorization is required, an internal courier -- not the applicant -- brings the document to the appropriate officials. This has speeded up the licensure process and has eliminated the opportunity for corruption.
In Kebumen, the recruitment of school principals has been restructured into a transparent procedure that involves the public. This solution has also eliminated corruption, while improving the odds of recruiting principals who serve the people.
However, these champions of public service reform are a minority and their success stories are not widely known. In this respect, the Jawa Pos Institute of Pro Autonomy -- which promotes the innovation and implementation of best practices through in-depth monitoring and competition between East Java regencies -- has made a solid effort as a social institution to encourage public service reform.
Installing real public servants -- or real leaders -- who do not stop at innovation but also lead by example, is another simple and effective solution that reaches the root of the problem. For example, Kebumen Regent Rustriningsih runs a daily, 30-minute radio talk show called Selamat Pagi Bupati (Good morning, Mrs. Regent), in which xhe responds directly to questions from the public and makes decisions to address their complaints.
This is an effective means to tackle the most difficult public service problem -- to change attitudes and mind-sets of the people to one of trust that the government listens to its people. The only way to achieve this is for the government to provide and lead by example, show commitment, listen to the people and fulfill its promises.
If a direct electoral system is applied to regional leaders and regents, mayors and governors like the Sidoarjo, Jembrana and Kebumen regents assume office, more than half of the country's public service problems will be solved satisfactorily.
If the initiatives of the Jawa Pos Institute for Pro Autonomy could be implemented on a national scale, public service reform would be accomplished at a more rapid pace.
Of course, these are not enough. Efforts by regional governments should be supported with sufficient resources and proper policies by the central government -- policies that are consistently applied, complementary and part of a comprehensive long-term strategy for public service reform.
What we need is a simple solution for this seemingly complex problem, along with examples of leadership. Only then, could we expect real public service, through which people receive real service.
The writer is Director of Administration for Partnership for Governance Reform in Jakarta
Piet Soeprijadi, Jakarta
Graeme Macmillan, in his article Improving performance through public service reform (The Jakarta Post, Aug. 23), outlined the need for public service reform and made suggestions on how to improve public sector management to lift Indonesia's economic, social and environmental performance.
The article touched the real needs of the public.
People want to get to work and go home on time, yet they have to struggle to reach and to board public buses. People want an affordable, quality education for their children, yet they to have to pay five times their salary to enroll their children into a substandard school.
Drivers want a police force that helps the flow of traffic, yet they have policemen who wait, hidden behind traffic lights, to catch them as they run through a red light so as to collect some pocket-money. When under great duress because of the critical condition of a family member, people just want to be received with kind and efficient attention by hospital staff, and instead, they are rejected and sent home because they cannot pay the outpatient fee.
Good businessmen want to do business properly, in accordance with laws and regulations, yet they have to go through a number of offices just to get a license, paying "fees" at every office. Good taxpayers want to pay their taxes properly, yet they have to deal with tax inspectors who come with very high penalties at the ready for "private negotiations".
The list is endless. This is not public service, in which the public is served -- instead, this is service by the public, in which the public serve the so-called public servants.
History shows that fulfilling the above basic needs is not at all simple. As Macmillan said, "The Public Service in Indonesia is too big, too slow and too dysfunctional."
On the other hand, the best way to solve a simple problem is to provide a simple solution.
The regents of Jembrana, Solok, Kebumen and Sidoarjo and the mayors of Ambon and Malang are good examples of real public servants, who have not only found simple solutions and implemented them, but also showed exemplary behavior in their work.
In Sidoarjo, the regental administration created an integrated public service office for the public to procure licenses according to a predetermined schedule, placing representatives of all relevant offices together to handle administrative details. In the case higher authorization is required, an internal courier -- not the applicant -- brings the document to the appropriate officials. This has speeded up the licensure process and has eliminated the opportunity for corruption.
In Kebumen, the recruitment of school principals has been restructured into a transparent procedure that involves the public. This solution has also eliminated corruption, while improving the odds of recruiting principals who serve the people.
However, these champions of public service reform are a minority and their success stories are not widely known. In this respect, the Jawa Pos Institute of Pro Autonomy -- which promotes the innovation and implementation of best practices through in-depth monitoring and competition between East Java regencies -- has made a solid effort as a social institution to encourage public service reform.
Installing real public servants -- or real leaders -- who do not stop at innovation but also lead by example, is another simple and effective solution that reaches the root of the problem. For example, Kebumen Regent Rustriningsih runs a daily, 30-minute radio talk show called Selamat Pagi Bupati (Good morning, Mrs. Regent), in which xhe responds directly to questions from the public and makes decisions to address their complaints.
This is an effective means to tackle the most difficult public service problem -- to change attitudes and mind-sets of the people to one of trust that the government listens to its people. The only way to achieve this is for the government to provide and lead by example, show commitment, listen to the people and fulfill its promises.
If a direct electoral system is applied to regional leaders and regents, mayors and governors like the Sidoarjo, Jembrana and Kebumen regents assume office, more than half of the country's public service problems will be solved satisfactorily.
If the initiatives of the Jawa Pos Institute for Pro Autonomy could be implemented on a national scale, public service reform would be accomplished at a more rapid pace.
Of course, these are not enough. Efforts by regional governments should be supported with sufficient resources and proper policies by the central government -- policies that are consistently applied, complementary and part of a comprehensive long-term strategy for public service reform.
What we need is a simple solution for this seemingly complex problem, along with examples of leadership. Only then, could we expect real public service, through which people receive real service.
The writer is Director of Administration for Partnership for Governance Reform in Jakarta
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